Okay, so we all know Queen is really great, right? I know we've all heard We Will Rock You and seen Wayne World himself rocking out to Bohemian Rhapsody, but Under Pressure is definitely one of the best songs ever, and even their early stuff like Sheer Heart Attack is great too. And then of course like every ad on tv these days seems to be playing Another One Bites the Dust over it. But there's something nobody ever talks about.
Freddie Mercury flipping loved cats. Like, he was all about them. There were many cats in his life, and they obviously meant a lot to him, since he wore a waistcoat with them on it.
Heck yeah, pal.
I mean, really, look at those pictures and tell me that's not the best. I don't think it's possible.
Tanya's Totally Unofficial Queen Fanpage has no affiliation with the Official International Queen Fan Club.
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