The Idea
A simple HTML page can be styled countless ways with CSS. A great example of this is CSS Zen Garden, a website that truly shows the variety that can be obtained with just style sheets. This same concept is a very effective way to see differing styles in web design. In web design there are so many elements to consider: typography, layout, image placement; the list goes on.
So, what if a group of designers was let loose to design an HTML page completely devoid of style in any way? This is the concept behind the contest.
The Rules
The rules are simple. The HTML page cannot be altered in any way whatsoever. Within the head of the HTML is a link to a CSS file (you have to read the code to find out where). This CSS file hasn't been created yet, but can be created and styled in any way imaginable. This means that any imagery, spacing, layout, and typography can be used. Divs, spans, classes and IDs are written into the HTML to even further design flexibility. The HTML is set, but in CSS, anything goes (even image replacement).
The Prize
What's a contest without a prize? Whoever comes up with the most well designed and interesting page (by popular vote) will win a mystery something or other. Whatever it is, it's well worth it.
So start digging through that code! Layout your tags, classes, and IDs! Get stylin'!